
先日始まったCNETのCNET Japan Blog - 情報化社会の航海図だけど,僕的には評価が下がり気味.

情報産業において、バンドルがどのような役割を追っているのかについて考えを進めた論考「Pandora's Bundle」が別途まとめられている。本人が「Bundling II」と題して追加したエントリにも引かれているが、

Information goods are almost impossible to sell without bundling. As Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian pointed out in their classic book Information Rules, information goods are characterized by very low marginal cost of production and distribution, as well as by uncertainty on the part of the buyer as to the value (until you've actually obtained the good). Accordingly, for producers of information goods, such as software or music, Shapiro and Varian recommend various strategies that involve bundling.



「Their real target is Windows. Who needs Windows when anyone can have free unlimited access to the world's fastest computer running the smartest operating system? Mobile devices don't need big, bloated OSes...they'll be perfect platforms for accessing the GooOS. Using Gnome and Linux as a starting point, Google should design an OS for desktop computers that's modified to use the GooOS and sell it right alongside Windows ($200) at CompUSA for $10/apiece (available free online of course). Google Office (Goffice?) will be built in, with all your data stored locally, backed up remotely, and available to whomever it needs to be (SubEthaEdit-style collaboration on Word/Excel/PowerPoint-esque documents is only the beginning). Email, shopping, games, music, news, personal publishing, etc.; all the stuff that people use their computers for, it's all there.」

Googleは、バックエンドの「GooOS」と「a massive, general purpose computing platform for web-scale programming」を前提に、いずれ新しいデスクトップ環境をほぼ無償で提供し、我々のコンピューティング環境を一変させてしまうであろう、と。


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